
Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Meaning(s) behind the Pentagram

Perhaps the most widely recognized occult symbol is the five pointed, or "blazing," star, more commonly known as a pentagram.  Because its use is so broad throughout not only occult religious practices, but also more traditionally accepted religious circles and secular societies, its meaning has become rather distorted and skewed. 

What I would like to do is point out some of the simpler usages, how it relates to occultism and outright satanism, note the astrological significance, and also point out its use among corporate logos, some of which operate with significant global military and financial affluence.  The conclusions that may be arrived at I will leave to the reader, however I will remain unapologetic in my pursuit of exposing the satanic globalist conspiracy.

That aside, let's move forward....

The pentagram has been used by witches, wiccans, Celts, satanists, pagans, and neopagans, and many more religious groups.  This is a traditional pentagram, with the circle around it (also referred to as a "pentacle"):
While traditionally, the one point is upward, it also appears in an inverted form, which is commonly regarded as the satanic usage:

The significance of the point down is the formation of the goat/ram's head (baphomet) in the shape of the star and the downward three points indicating (at least among modern satanists) a rejection of the Holy Trinity.  

Here is the goat's head inside the pentagram which is a very common image amongst satanists, luciferians, and heavy metal rock bands.

The pentagram, of course has five sides and five points.  Interestingly enough, in the King James Bible, the name "Satan" occurs exactly 55 times, as does the word "devils."  The word "antichrist" occurs five times, and the word "thorns" occurs 50 times.  In the film "the Omen," the five-year old child "Damian Thorn" is implicated in the deaths of five people.

The band "Slipknot" is known for its satanic imagery and use of the pentagram, clearly seen here (actually with the astrological significance of the image partially revealed, more on this later):

*This band was often listened to by Jared Laughner, who is the alleged individual responsible for the Tuscan shootings earlier this year.  There is much more to this event than has been revealed through the media, but I digress.

The band "HIM" has their own version of the pentagram, they refer to as a "heartagram":

There is even a metal band who goes by the extremely unoriginal name of "Pentagram." 

You can see in their band poster the goat's head inside the inverted pentagram, which is an outright satanic reference. 

It is plain to see the occult inspiration of rock music, and more specifically "heavy metal." 

So we see the dramatic, unabashed usage amongst admitted anti-Christian music entities and religious cults, but is there more to this symbol?  Yes, it has deep astronomical significance specifically surrounding the planet Venus.

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun and is also known as the "morning" and "evening star."  It appears as the third brightest celestial body in the heavens (sun, then moon) and because of its brilliance can be seen first in the evening twilight and is last to fade away at the arrival of the dawn, hence the name.  In its apparent celestial orbit, it conjuncts the sun five times and so forms a five-sided geometric figure, or a pentagram. 

Interesting to note, is that in Revelation 22:16, Jesus refers to himself as the "bright and morning star."  This verse is fairly consistent through most of the hundreds of modern translations and revisions of the canon of the Holy Bible.  However in the King James Version, Isaiah 14:12 refers to "Lucifer," by name in the only reference found throughout the Bible.  Many modern versions translate the proper name "Lucifer" into "morning star."  This information combined with the astronomical significance of the pentagram in reference to the "morning star" Venus leads to some dramatic conclusions indeed.

Since the ancient cultures of Egypt, Maya, Sumeria, etc. were heavily involved in astrological pagan worship systems, the planet Venus and its apparent conjunctions with the sun were strongly regarded and the influence is seen in the archaeological remains of these civilizations. 

Masonry and other influential secret societies derive most of their esoteric teachings and beliefs from these ancient astrological mystery schools. We see the symbolism carried right on through to modern society.  Symbols are very important to these individuals and the various meanings are heiarchal in their revelation to the "masses."  Only high degree initiates are ever told the deepest meanings of the symbols, hence esoteric (hidden) religion is largely secret.  This was indeed a method of rule by the ancient societies and is no less different in our own modern world. 

Pike in masonic garb (if you look closely you can see the eye in the necklace)
The words of Albert Pike  (the founder of the Ku Klux Klan, a 33rd degree freemason, and Confederate general, and the author of what's often referred to as the "masonic bible" Morals and Dogma) really sum up the importance of symbolism amongst secret societies. 

"Symbols...have two meanings, the esoteric [hidden] and the exoteric.  The esoteric meaning was the true and original meaning, understood by only a few and closely guarded by them.  The exoteric meaning was the invented or modified explanation intended for the many.  The sacred mysteries which are often mentioned in connection with many ancient religions and which were closely guarded by the initiate, concerned esoteric meanings in the religions of previous times."

Now let's look at some of the usages of the pentagram in modern corporate logos....

We could spend quite a bit of time analyzing the various esoteric meaning behind some of the more complex logos like Starbucks, Sirius, and Lockheed, but I would like to look at one company's logo in particular and how it relates to a satanic ritual known as the "Great Rite."

This is the logo for the now AT&T-owned wireless company "Cingular."  Their name is derived from the word "cinq" meaning "five."  Note that the "man" in the logo has five points, his two arms, legs and head.  Now lets look at a picture of the "Great Rite" ritual.

Though this figure appears to be male in gender, the ritual is performed with a female laid out in the same position.  It is a sex ritual designed to invoke the conception of the antichrist.  I think you can fill in the details.

When we consider this, however, let's now look at the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, the Pentagon.

Are you beginning to connect the dots?....

Let's look at an image of the attack on the Pentagon in 2001....

What happened on that day was a large five-sided building was "penetrated" by a phallic object. 

The pentagram also appears in the layout of the United States capital, Washington, DC.

There is much more to this subject, but I will end here for now.  Hopefully you are beginning to see that there is much more to this world than meets the eye, that things are not always as they seem.  As I present more and more evidence that there are dark sinister forces collaborating behind the scenes on a grand scale, my hope is that you, the reader will begin to examine your own spiritual condition and choose to align yourself with Jesus, Yeshua, the Savior of mankind and the sworn enemy of these dark forces.  However, that is a choice that is yours and yours alone. 

To be continued....

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