
Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Meaning behind XXX


You've no doubt seen this many places, mostly places and things of ill-report like pornography, brothels and violent movies, violent video games, etc.  But this set of symbols has quite a bit of meaning behind it, which I will demonstrate. 

XXX in Roman numerals is, of course 10 10 10, which is a total of 30.  This number is very important, especially in regards to the Lord Jesus Christ.  He was 30 years old when He began his ministry and He was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver by Judas Iscariot.  Jesus was also crucified on a cross (or an X) and with the two other criminals flanking him, that would be XXX.

Incidently, since XXX is a very important masonic number, their false mesiah (antichrist) will mimic or mock Jesus Christ in many ways. 

As we approach the XXX (30th) Olympic games to be held in London in the summer of 2012 (a big year especially in regards to astronomical activity) take note that Prince William will turn 30 on his birthday which interestingly enough is the summer solstice date of June 21st.

Remember that masonry goes back to ancient Egypt and the symbols back this up.  The biggest landmark of Egypt would be the pyramids.  There are three of them.  When viewed from the top, they appear as XXX.

X is 10, but if you see the ten as letters or IO, then that is Greek for "Sun" (EO).  So we have "Sun, Sun, Sun." 

Lets look at the Roman numerals again:

1 = I
5 = V
10 = X
50 = L
100 = C
500 = D
1000 = M

If you add the first six numerals together what number do you get?  6 hundred, three-score and six, which is the number of the beast of Revelation as found in the Holy Bible. 

Halios, or Helios, or Sun, or Apollo, the Sun-God.  The Beast of Revelation, the Destroyer, Apollyon.  (Revelation 9:11, note the chapter/verse designation)

To be continued....

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