
Saturday, July 23, 2011

Intro to Symbology of the Globalist Conspiracy

The "All Seeing Eye" of Ra/Horus/Lucifer/"Big Brother"

Here is the all-seeing eye capstone of the pyramid not yet descended, signifying that the "great work" is not yet completed.  The false mesiah (AntiChrist) has not yet been crowned, the NWO one-world government not yet established, mark of the beast system not yet implemented, etc.

The eye is from Ancient Egypt and references the sun (which was worshipped by the people) and the esoteric (hidden) aspect of the mystery religion which goes all the way back to Nimrod of Babel.

 Many large corporations have used the "eye" as their primary logo including, but not limited to AOL, TimeWarner (now the same company of course), CBS, Fidelity Investments, I.A.O., etc. 

 Because this symbol goes back to Ancient Egypt and has its roots in mystery religion and the first world order (being Babel), we should not be surprised to find it pop up in modern extensions of mystery religion, namely secret societies and masonic orders.

Here we see the eye on an apron which is worn by freemasons.

And an ancient carving of the eye in the "keystone" with a star of david (6 pt) and a blazing star or pentagram (5 pt.) which I will cover later.

Also we see many celebreties in music, sports, and entertainment using the symbology to indicate their allegiance to the esoteric religions and the dark Satanic forces which control them.

To be continued....

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